Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why to Wait

copyright(c) 2016 Tabitha Carin Snowden
Why To Wait

So waiting… not fun is it? I am a very impatient person, this is why waiting is important for me.
I think heart strings are a good and a bad thing. Don’t get me wrong, it is very good to have heart strings, but if you have had a bunch of relationships you know that once those strings are tied, then it is hard when they get cut.

 Personally, I have not had any boyfriend relationships because I am way too young and secondly, I am waiting for the perfect one. I am not saying he has to be perfect, but perfect to me. With God's help I have already made a list on what I am looking for in a Future husband.
  1.) He has to love God with all of his heart.
 2.)  To Love me and treat me like a lady.
 3.) He must love kids.
 4.) Love and protect our family.
 5.) He needs to be on fire for God.
See these things are general, but important, and it is good to have these in mind when waiting, don’t settle for less.

 Maybe you have your own list,  that is great! You should, if you don’t, that’s ok too! See if you have a list or something in your mind, then God will put someone in your path that just fits, and that is so amazing that you know it is God. This is why waiting is so important, because God has the one for you just wait; He is out there being prepared by God.

But don’t dwell on waiting, go on with the life God has for you. God is placing the perfect one in your path as well as you in his. But waiting is hard, although I want to believe that it is totally 100% worth it! So wait, he is out there it is all going to happen sooner or later.

Thursday, February 18, 2016


copyright(c)2016Tabitha carin Snowden

Confidence:A feeling or belief that you can do something well or succeed at something." 
Confidence should not be taken lightly, we all need a little confidence in our lives because without it, we can go straight to depression. It is harder for us girls to feel confident because of all of our insecurity’s but we can try. I am also not saying we all should be cocky; We should realize that confidence is to be more insightful to ourselves. Confidence isn’t always just saying that you are pretty; yes that is some of it, but it's also being confident in your personality as well.  We all just need to be ourselves no matter who is watching and being confident in it.

If you call yourself not pretty you’re calling a child of God not good enough. And that doesn’t only hurt us, but it hurts God. Yes, it's hard to be confident trust me: I know… there are a lot of things I am not good at, yet should I focus on them? No, I do not! I have learned to focus on the talents God gave me.
"Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you, that is greater than any obstacle." --Christian D. Larson--

How then can we be confident ? Easy, seek God : He is the only one that can really help us all be confident. [God Confidence]
So be: YOU, no matter who is watching, and always be Confident: because the one person that you are is the one person that God has created you to be.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Do Not Be Alone

copyright(c)2016Tabitha Carin Snowden    
Don't Be Alone

Sometimes, in loneliness someone who doesn't want any one to see a type of brokenness will hide this inside one's heart. From the devotional: 'God Calling' [link] it's written: "...loneliness is just an illusion." To me; I think that is true (in certain cases) , we make: 'Loneliness,' not people. It is often thought that people are the culprit. But, is our lonesomeness taking over our lives? It very well could be, we get depressed and then: 'BAM!' It is all we think about, all we do, and all we want to do. 


Why do we get wrapped up in this depressed state, to where nothing is fun, or could help us? Yet everybody knows that depression is a lack of God in our lives; this is where our problem lies. Trust me, if we all start reading the Bible more and/or talking to God; loneliness will vanish quickly. Bring all of your problems to Him, and you will find relief. I know it is hard to let go of all of our problems, but I promise when you do it is amazing! Everything changes!
Psalm 55:22 "Cast thy burden upon the LORD, and he shall sustain thee: he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved."
Yes it hurts! And yes it's hard, but I promise; it is worth it. Once you let everything go, all of your troubles are gone. It's OK to cry, it's OK to scream, but I just want you to know you're not alone. God is always with us in these hard times, when you feel you're alone ; cry to God, He hears you. Sometimes, we question how not be depressed. Maybe you and I want to be free and don't know how; but trust me: look to Jesus, He is the light in the darkness. Just let go and He will catch you, He will comfort you and most of all; He will hold you. Don't live in darkness, live in the light!. Don't be alone because you are not.