Thursday, June 2, 2016

Why to Wait

copyright(c) 2016 Tabitha Carin Snowden
Why To Wait

So waiting… not fun is it? I am a very impatient person, this is why waiting is important for me.
I think heart strings are a good and a bad thing. Don’t get me wrong, it is very good to have heart strings, but if you have had a bunch of relationships you know that once those strings are tied, then it is hard when they get cut.

 Personally, I have not had any boyfriend relationships because I am way too young and secondly, I am waiting for the perfect one. I am not saying he has to be perfect, but perfect to me. With God's help I have already made a list on what I am looking for in a Future husband.
  1.) He has to love God with all of his heart.
 2.)  To Love me and treat me like a lady.
 3.) He must love kids.
 4.) Love and protect our family.
 5.) He needs to be on fire for God.
See these things are general, but important, and it is good to have these in mind when waiting, don’t settle for less.

 Maybe you have your own list,  that is great! You should, if you don’t, that’s ok too! See if you have a list or something in your mind, then God will put someone in your path that just fits, and that is so amazing that you know it is God. This is why waiting is so important, because God has the one for you just wait; He is out there being prepared by God.

But don’t dwell on waiting, go on with the life God has for you. God is placing the perfect one in your path as well as you in his. But waiting is hard, although I want to believe that it is totally 100% worth it! So wait, he is out there it is all going to happen sooner or later.