Monday, December 18, 2017

Christmas Is Here!

(c) copyright Tabitha Carin Snowden

Christmas Is Here!

 It is upon us once again, and can I say: that this year went very fast! But, even though it crept upon us, this is my favorite time of the year! There are so many things to do, busyness is everywhere, all the hustle and bustle the lists come out! And yet, there are so many memories made at Christmas! 

I wanted to talk a little bit about how character's change during Christmas! There are times when the 'Grinch' in us come's out around this year, we need to buy this and this, go to that party or make those cards, and so on. And that can stress us out! But most of us, have this since of joy that comes someone we know because of this beautiful time of the year! But also because we know why it is amazing, because of our beloved Jesus who came down,  unto us: He was born fully human, and fully God. "And she will have a son and you are to name Him Jesus, for he will save His people from their sins." Mathew 1:21

Another characteristic that comes out in Christmas is; giving! We all have a giving heart that makes us reach out to our community, family, and friends anyone who needs a little Christmas cheer! Something that we should do all year long because it is not done enough throughout the year! Christmas is a prime example of what we could do to share God's love, and we can do it several different ways! For example giving, visiting, and by just simply smiling and saying; "Merry Christmas!" Can simply make someone's day! Any day of the year a smile is contagious; because it shows no matter whats going on we have the capacity to smile with God's joy. Sharing God's love is simple, and sweet!
 "Jesus is the light of our Christmas, the joy of our hearts, and the hope of the world!" -Unknown- 

Of course there's the gifts of Christmas, the exact toys that the children asked for and etc. 
But, what are the true gifts of Christmas? Is it really those boxes under the tree; ready to open on that bright cheerful morning? Or is it the true gifts, the people who are sitting right next to you! Friends, family, and the main star of Christmas is the one living in your heart! The gifts God gave you because He knew you could not live your life without the things that keep us going. The gift of joy: can help out on those cloudy days. The gift of music; to help this season feel; "Real." The gift of decorations; to make you feel cozy, and the gift of family; to become even closer for the holiday! And most of all the gift of God's love, to share to all! 

Do you feel the presence of cherished moments? The moments we spend with each other on that day reflect for the rest of our lives, so how can we make it more joyful? Bring the most important part of the season in Christmas; CHRIST!! He is the most important part of the season, He makes us joyful, He makes the moments worth cherishing! 

The moment we center our season with our Lord our God then everything else falls in place.
"Look for Christ, and you will find Him. And with Him everything else." -C.S. Lewis-

What's you're favorite part of this wonderful season?