Monday, April 6, 2020

Coming Together When We All Are Apart

copyright (c) 2020 Tabitha  Carin   Snowden 

Coming Together When We All Are Apart

Right now, it seems like a scary time for all of us, we are all quarantined in our homes, trying to keep this disease away. Our hearts are troubled for our loved ones, our friends, and people we know who are sick, all of this is hard on us. It's alright to be scared, it's OK to be worried, it shows that we care, however; we shouldn't be controlled by the fear that is integrating into our world. Nothing like this has ever happened in history, and it's  changing day by day, new laws are being passed, things are definitely crazy right now. We are watching it all unfold before our eyes, it is truly a time that we need to pray and seek God's presence! Isaiah 41:10 "Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God:I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee;yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness."
 As I am writing this, also watching the President talk about the present situation.

It's hard to refocus our thoughts especially right now, but spending time in prayer and in God's presence, as our fears will dissipate. Panic has reached all across the world, it seems like we are living in a constant state of worry, it's important to know the dangers and precautions but it is also good to know that we can't lean on despair. We have God who is more powerful than sickness,leaving it in His hands;will bring us comfort and hope throughout all of this.  " Watch ye therefore,and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man." 

It's not easy to give all of our fears and worries away, God wants our fears, He doesn't want us to carry our burdens! Something I have been trying to do is to not undermine the situation, however; I also think it is crucial to spread cheerful moments right now. I tend to post now more than I ever have; blogs, social media etc. I'm not trying to show my life off, instead I want people to laugh with me or see my little moments that may bring encouragement. 

I want to spread laughter right now, it's a time when we all need it. We are stuck at home, and sometimes if we keep looking at the negative that can put us in a state of mind we don't want to be in. I think this is the time to have awareness of what is going on, and pray for those who are sick and critically ill, plus pray for those who are worried. Also by spreading love, kindness, and laughter, it can make our lonely times a little better.  "Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them."
We aren't alone, we have the Lord with us and we have each other, even though it seems like we may not. This is a time we can come together not only in America but also the entire world so we can share scriptures, songs, funny stories, all so that we can benefit from. But it takes putting aside our differences and showing each-other the love, and kindness, and encouragement that we all need. Now is the time to come together and pray and love on each other and listen, and believe that God is going to do a work. We have to have joy in the circumstances, find laughter in the little moments, and be present with our families.  "There shall not any man be able to stand before thee all the days of thy life: as I was with Moses, so I will be with thee: I will not fail thee, nor forsake thee" 

Now is the time for those knock knock jokes, or your dad to practice those infamous dad jokes (as my father loves to do), just something to put a smile on our faces. It's important to have a good attitude throughout everything we face, especially right now. 

Now is the time to listen to what the government is saying and stay home as much as possible, believing God will do works throughout all of this. We are all worried, but if we dwell on the fear, it will only make the situation worse! Take this time to reconnect with your family, your husband, your wife, have game nights, family devotions, and movie nights. Video chat a friend, read a book, play music, do some art, study your school, spend time with the Lord, and just keep busy. Use this time wisely, don't worry about the future, God's got that taken care of, and we just have to trust Him. I am one to say all of this, but I'm usually very fearful and always freaking out, but surprisingly God has given me a peace, and I hope you feel at peace as well. I love you, and God loves you, He will take care of this one day at a time. Bring some joy into this situation, and share that with others, I know it brightens my day to see some of you sharing your memories! Let's keep on coming together while we are apart, and encourage each other,check up on each other. Keep going, because you are doing great, I'm proud of you!