Tuesday, June 25, 2019


copyright (c) 2019 Tabitha  Carin   Snowden 


OK! That is something we say often, I was thinking about how many times I say: 'OK' in a day. It is quite interesting actually, what do we mean by that word? I know that sometimes when I'm not doing my best and people ask how I am, on a rare occasion the response might be 'OK'. But how do you use the word? Maybe you use it as a confirmation, an acceptance, or in any way you feel it is appropriate. 

What happens when you say 'OK' to someone who controls the universe? Scary, right? But in all reality it isn't, because God has you in His hands and by saying 'OK' we are saying; "OK, God, I accept what you have in store for me, and I am ready." 
It takes time though, you can't just say it without really letting go, doing that can be an important step. We often hold onto what we really really want or maybe what we  think we need, but letting go is crucial. I felt that as I came to America, as if I was leaving a part of my heart back in Africa, but the truth is, a big part of my heart is where my family is, and where God puts me until He says to go, we will wait on His will.
 I feel like I'm always on the edge of my toes waiting, but I'm learning to be patient in this time. God is only wanting for us to patiently wait, but also during this time He is yearning for His children to seek Him more. And that makes the process so much more bearable.

 I love seeking God and His presence I laugh when I read a scripture and it touches me, because He knew I needed that, and I marvel at His works. He takes me to places I have never been spiritually, during this time of waiting. And it is amazing, when you think that there is nothing you can do anymore that you are exhausted from this time, He renews you in a way only He can. 

I am STUBBORN, ask my family, I really am, but it's funny no matter how stubborn you might be, God breaks you, in the best way possible. He reminds you that you are His, and you are in the place where He wants you to be exactly. And our stubbornness can not get in the way of our Lord, I tried to argue with God, saying many things about what I wanted, but you want to know who won that argument? God, completely, He simply taught me in this time, it isn't a punishment, it is a teaching, and are we learning? I would like to think that at this moment, I am, I am learning more than I ever thought I would, isn't it amazing? God takes us from our stubbornness and puts us in His will, and then all we feel is, peace.

There is a time for everything, but there is always a time for seeking God. Before you start worrying about time or the time of waiting, start remembering God is controlling the time, and at this point all we can do is simply trust and seek Him with all we have. 

Saying 'OK' is something we have to believe and know with our hearts we are accepting God's will in our lives, and not worrying about anything, because if God put you there He will take care of everything. 

Thursday, February 14, 2019

A Valentines Day

copyright (c) 2019 Tabitha Carin   Snowden 


Valentines Day; a holiday commercialized, and advertised to be completely revolved around love, we often think of it as all about couples. But in fact it can be about any love, between a mother and daughter or sisters or any family, friends etc. Most of all, realizing the main source of love is from Jesus Christ, His love constantly pours out to us, never ceasing, without any hesitation. It is always important to help spread not only our love on this holiday, but most importantly, spreading God's love  everyday. 

(not my image)

I would like to talk a little about dating because why not; it's Valentines Day. On one of my first blogs I ever did was, "Why To Wait." I feel like it set where I stand, and my image pretty well, but I am a little bit older now and have more information in my head. 
There are so many great things about being in a relationship, you have someone to talk to who always listens, someone to depend on, a person who you can be with and never get tired of. You can love this person with all your heart, and they love you, and sharing moments with your special someone can be the highlight of your days. There is always to be something thankful for when you may be in a relationship. I love seeing happy loving couples, and sometimes I become the third wheel, but I don't mind because I get to see how their relationship works. I can go on and on about the good things of being in a healthy relationship. 

Do I see myself in a relationship someday? Of course! I would love to have a special someone by my side, one day, who I can share my thoughts with, and share amazing moments. I am very excited for the day that I find the one person God has been preparing for me! But, I am not quite ready yet, God is still working on my heart and molding me into the person He wants me to be. 
One day, one day, but for now, it is important to focus on what is in our lives, that we should be truthfully thinking about. For me, my relationship with Jesus is my main priority, as for this holiday I am reminding myself of His enduring love for me and all of us. 

If you are not in a relationship around this time, don't be sad or depressed, because truly you are surrounded by people and a Savior who truly loves you. 

Yes, it can be difficult for some people to spend this time alone, or single, but think about how you can focus on the things that are important to you.

 "Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which binds us all together in perfect harmony."
Colossians 3:14
(not my image)

There is importance of this beautiful day, between couples sharing their love, but also between people, family, friends, and Jesus! 

The simplicity of love, isn't it precious? This love makes me smile just thinking about it, because it is so pure. In someway, somehow, it is in each of our lives, making us who we are, binding us together. Going back to a scripture that we all probably know; For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” John 3:16
(my image)

The world is practically founded on love, how powerful love is to each of us, and what love can make us do. We live for love, we die for love, and we come together for the love we share. 

I like to think where our love came from: God; He is the prime example of it, by  His continual actions and proof that He is love. He died for us, why? Simple, it was love. And that same love is what empowers us to live, each day serving Him. 

I hope that everyone who reads this realizes how loved you really are, celebrating with the ones you love! Happy Valentines Day!