Friday, April 28, 2017

Being A Light

copyright (c) 2017 Tabitha Carin Snowden

Being A Light

by Tabitha Snowden

Being a light is a little hard; I know! Knowing that you have to be the 'difference', and being scared of changing. It's not easy. But there are so many benefits to shine the light, leading people in the right direction (towards God). 

Too many Christians act like the world around them instead of being Christ like. Too many souls are going to hell not knowing Christ, it saddens me. When did we start getting so scared of what people think of us? Because when we weigh one side of what people think about us and the other side winning souls, what should out way the other? 

It's very important that we put aside the longing of people liking us; even though that is a plus, it shouldn't be our mane focus. 
We need to start a fire within us, yearning to be devoted to Him and not care what people think.

Psalm 104:4  'He makes His messengers winds, His ministers a flaming fire."    
We are His flaming fire! We are His messengers! He sends us out to be ministers unto the people of this world. 
To ignite the world with His passion and grace. Loving with our life to all the nations, with His compassion. 

IGNITE: "To take fire; begin to burn." 

How amazing is it to ignite the world, to inflame to burn with His fire in us! 
Being a light leads up to starting a fire, the little that you can shine turns into a blaze, a blaze turns into a fire, a little fire turns into a wild untamed flame within us. 

The light in which we shine, can be tiny but it can turn into something immense. We have to trust it's worth by overcoming the darkness.

A light is something that pierces the somberness of this dark world. Do not be scared to gleam, and be confident in your beliefs. That light is affecting more people than you can think.

Being yourself with Jesus by your side; shows the world you can have fun, living and by serving the One True God ( Jesus Christ).

That little light you started, can turn into so much; other's will start letting their light shine too! 

It's okay to be scared, I know that people can be intimidating, it's okay, because you have the strength from the ALL POWERFUL ONE!

That remarkable beauty of letting our vigorous flame grow, is something that God smiles about when He see's us with His loving, affectionate eyes; as His children are spreading His word to the lost. 

We all know how much He blesses us with little beauty's of His light in the morning and throughout the day, and evening those pleasures of the sunshine. [Just a little hint to be the light.] 

Matthew 5:14-16 “You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.

You can be the light only if you allow His light in, and only if you choose to show it. I am going to choose to show it, and not become apart of the darkness.

 Will you help by being apart of His light?


  1. Tabitha this was a great article and I know your heart is truly in this.

  2. Being a light is hard . . . being different . . . setting aside what others think of us . . . His flame . . . a bit scared - ALL YES! BUT - the very path to FREEDOM and PEACE and CHANGED LIVES. Good thoughts, Miss Tabby!
