Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Behind The PK/MK Face

copyright(c) Tabitha Carin Snowden 2017

 Behind The MK/PK Face

OK! This is something you don't hear people talk about, or see people write about... BUT here I am! I was a pastor's kid all the way up to almost 2 years ago then I began a missionary kid. So I'll try to go from both perspectives! 

Do you ever wonder whats going on behind the Pastors Kids face or Missionary Kid face? Well, this will hopefully answer some questions you may have! 

We Are Human!

Now this is not supposed to be a hurtful thing. Sometimes people think we eat a certain way or dress a certain way, but, we usually don't. We are just as normal as a lot of people, in some cases. We have feelings, we just know how to hide them when we need too. We love humor!! I'll talk about that later! We love to just share and talk, just like you! 

Meeting New People

In some cases for us; this is really easy! Why? Well being a Pastors Kid you see people come and go in church, and you get to know the people of your congregation! Now being a missionary kid, you travel TONS, and constantly meet new people from everywhere and different churches! So people come and go in your life all the time! Now this can be a hard thing, because like I said; they come and sometimes they GO which causes some hurt. It's hard to let go of people. but God strengthens us. Yet we make friends easily, and love to share about who we are, our testimonies or funny experiences! So never be afraid to talk to us we LOVE it! 

 Our Humor!

Okay being a Pastors Kid or a Missionary Kid, humor is a must have!!! A little secret... WE ARE SARCASTIC!!! Ha ha it's true, we are very sarcastic we see a lot of stuff, we go through a lot of stuff so the only way we survive is to be sarcastic and funny! And if you are really in for a treat then you would see that side, we let it out when we are comfortable! We all love jokes, I mean sometimes the only things I say are sarcastic, and people can't tell if i'm being serious or not! But, yes humor is a big factor in our lives! You know what they say; laughing is the best medicine! And yes; we eat the left over communion! :)

We Love What We Do!

Church can sometimes were us down, we get there early with out parents help wherever needed, see some stuff that's not always the best. Yet we wouldn't have it any other way. I asked a fellow PK what she thought of this and she said; "I love being a pastors kid, because A: I like spending time at my church, it's probably one of my favorite places to be! So since I'm always there it opens up great doors of opportunity for me to serve.  I also get to see my parents minister too many people, which guides me when I may consul someone in the future!" I could not agree with that more, through the ministry I was not only called to children's ministry, but I was able to use it and minster to children! It gives us opportunities to be used of God! Another PK said;"We go through a lot of hurt, but we get many opportunities in ministry and get to see amazing things as well!" We love it when we get asked spiritual questions, even if we don't know the answer! We love being reached out too trust me! We get excited when someone asks us spiritual questions because when we don't answer, we will find out! We love what we do! :) 

 You become really close with your family! Being traveling missionaries we are always together, we tell each other everything and as close as close can be! You lean on each other a lot! Family is important: they are my team! 

 We Are NOT Perfect! 

We are not perfect, we are not "goody two shoes." We are human,  that make mistakes too, we aren't perfect at all! And we don't try to be either, we only try to be our best for our Lord our Savior! 
We aren't depressed all the time; although some of us go through it at times; it's not our lives. Our life is not our own, so we shouldn't try to be someone we are not! Another PK also said "We aren't perfect, we slip up and make mistakes just as everyone else, we just try to be our best!" We aren't higher than you, we don't try to be snotty or get attention, just simply human beings. We are just human beings, and we love you all so much. We've seen hurt, and seen things you may not of, that changes you! It changes who you are, you can either let it bring you down, or let it bring you up! We begin to be tough, but tender, we know how to encourage. 

I learn a lot of things, being who we are, missionary kids really don't have a home. We have temporary places to call home; but we know where are heart settle, and that is what matters. We read people really well, which can be a bad and good thing. We can seem sweet, joyful, tender out there, but on the inside we could be hurting, we could be tough, or could be someone different. It's all how we choose to see it. We love what we do, love people, as well as love when people reach out to us. Furthermore we have a lot on our minds; ALL THE TIME. So when you ask; "Whatcha thinking?" We may not be able to answer that, it's just who we are. 

We are different, nevertheless we have no regrets of what we are called to do. 

We Are Pastor's Kids And We Are Missionary Kids. 

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